Organisational Training and Specialist Counselling

All Evolve Programmes are designed and delivered by qualified and experienced counsellors who offer corporate services for both individuals and groups.

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We offer:-

Mental Health Awareness Training

Briefing sessions for all staff to help them to understand the most common mental health conditions, to identify coping strategies and to know when to seek help.
Workshops for line managers and others with responsibilities for staff with common mental health conditions, including how to support them and when to seek additional help.
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Stress Management and Resilience Workshops

1 hour presentations to large groups aiming to identify the causes and signs of stress and offering techniques to cope with and reduce stress levels.
Half day (3 hours), workshops delivered either “on” or “off site” for small groups of line managers aiming to identify the causes and signs of stress and introduce techniques to cope with and reduce stress, not only in themselves, but in their team, increasing awareness of the effect their own stress can have on members of their teams.

Mindfulness at Work Training

If you want to improve the performance, focus, relationships and well-being of your staff, then this option could be the solution.
Mindfulness is the ability to pause and fully observe without getting sucked into reactive cycles and knee-jerk responses.
Two sessions, three weeks apart, with a period of daily practice and online support, designed to re-programme neural pathways and ingrain new ways of observing, experiencing and responding to create happier, more resilient, productive and create employees. This course is specifically designed to provide the benefits of the MBSR and MBCT courses but condensed into fewer sessions for busy professionals.

Support Through Change

Workshops to address the individual's response to change and explore how to approach change more positively, as well as how to implement change successfully within an organisation.
Face to face counselling to support individuals through workplace or personal change.

Bereavement and Critical Incident Counselling

Group workshops or individual sessions to provide support for staff members who have been impacted by a traumatic situation or event, such as: death or illness of a colleague, accident at work, raid or burglary, fire, suicide, violence, natural disaster, road traffic accident or other distressing circumstance.

Supervision and Reflective Practice Service

Help for line managers to manage challenging attitudes or behaviours in their staff, and support in coping with difficult circumstances such as organisational change, promotion to managing former peers, or incompatible personalities in their team.

Refresher Sessions & Peer Group Support for Mental Health First Aiders

First responders need to ensure that their knowledge is up to date and have the opportunity to discuss and examine how they are dealing with the pressure of working with vulnerable people. Those who are supporting also need support. Avoid burnout with a single session of reflective practice and/or refresher training.

Anxiety Training

Learn about what causes anxiety, how it manifests itself and consider what can be included in your personal toolbox of coping strategies. This session includes a discussion with a counsellor about personal experiences of anxiety, but is not a counselling session.

Wellbeing Review

An opportunity for those who are not ready for counselling or do not consider they would benefit from therapy, to have a chat with a counsellor about how they are feeling and coping with external pressures. This session may include some signposting to self-help or further support.

Other bespoke services

Bespoke training event(s) and on-site drop-in services tailored to meet your own specific needs - speak to our Business Development Manager for more information.

For further information, please contact Heather Knapp, Business Development Manager